
Solid Waste Disposal

Trash Collection


Residential trash is picked up at curbside weekly on Tuesday and Wednesday.  Please have your trash curbside by 7am, as pick up times vary.  See the holiday schedule attached below for any holidays that may affect this schedule.  Tuesday route is outlined in black on the attached map and encompasses basically River Road (Route 15) Snow's Corner Road, Brewer Lake Road, and Fields Pond Road.  A majority of the side roads off of these four roads are also picked up on Tuesdays.  The rest of the Town is on Wednesday.


Although we do not participate in the recycling program (see note below), items placed in recycling bins will be picked up at curbside.


Please note that at this time we are not participating in the recycling program due to cost increase.  You may continue to put your recycling items curbside as you always have, and they will continue to be picked up.  However the items will not be RECYCLED, they will be taken to the PERC facility for incineration.  Should the cost for participating in the recycling program align with our budget, we will inform you at that time.  Continuing to place your items in a recycling container can assist you in several ways; more room in your household trash with less bulky items, maintaining the practice should recycling resume, etc.


 Trash & Waste Disposal Options


Non-hazardous general trash such as wood, metal & building materials can be taken to:


The Pine Tree Landfill in Hampden (862-4200)

Monday - Friday 7:30AM to 4:30 PM. Fees apply


Brewer Transfer Station (207-989-4000)

Monday - Friday 7:00am to 4:30pm and Saturday 8:00am to 12noon. Fees apply


Brought to the Town Public Works Garage

on Spring & Fall Clean-UP Weekends (for a fee)


Universal Waste, TVs, fluorescent bulbs & mercury devices etc. can be taken to:


37 Oak Street in Brewer on certain Saturdays.

A schedule (see below) & permit may be obtained at the Orrington Town Office.

(See Schedule & List Of Fees Below)

Brought to the Town Public Works Garage on Spring & Fall Clean-UP Weekends(for a fee)


Refrigerators, Microwaves, Air Conditioners & other metals can be take to Corey Recycling, 494 Brewer Lake Road (825-3595), or J & J Auto Salvage & Recycling, 379 Brewer Lake Road (825-4900).  Both companies are located in Orrington.