Board of Selectmen

The oath of Municipal Official:

I, (name), do swear, that I will support the Constitution of the United States, and of this State, so long as I shall continue a citizen thereof. (Constitution of Maine, Art. IX, Sec. 1.)

I, (name), do swear, that I will faithfully discharge to the best of my abilities, the duties incumbent on me as a member of Orrington's Board of Selectmen, according to the Constitution, the laws of this State, and the Charter of the Town of Orrington.


 Allan Snell, Chairman

Snows Corner Road Property Owner 

Term Expires June 2026


Allan Elkin
(207) 735-8245

Tannery Road Property Owner 

Term Expires June 2026


 Christopher Robison

E. Bucksport Rd. Property Owner

Term Expires June 2025


 Charles Green

Betts Road Property Owner

Term Expires June 2027


Michael Curtis

(207) 944-8686

 Center Drive Property Owner

Term Expires June 2027