Who Makes Up Our Health & Safety Team?

Local Health Officer (LHO)

In Maine, there are statutory mandates which govern our town as it relates to health and safety.  By June of 2008, each LHO will need to be certified to provide services to a municipality.


Each municipality in Maine is mandated to appoint a Local Health Officer (22 MRSA §451).   The Health Officer has administrative duties, disease notification, environmental health protection, nuisance control and other duties.


The current Maine Public Health Emergency Preparedness Team can be found online here



Code Enforcement Officer (CEO) – Plumbing Inspector (PI)

The person or persons who serve as a CEO or PI of any town play a vital role to ensuring safety and health within our boundaries. 


Our Orrington CEO & PI has a section on our website – please visit it.


Orrington Fire & Rescue Department is a vital part of our community.  They respond to fires and to medical emergencies within our community. 


Please visit their page on our web site for more information.


Our Town Officials (Selectmen, Town Manager) are critical to the successful funding and mangement of  our Health & Safety programs. 


Their support is critical.


The Orrington Community Policing Department employees are also partners in the Safety and Health of our town. 


They enforce motor vehicle laws, respond to accidents and other calls which may involve protecting our citizens. 


Visit their site on our page for more information.


Orrington Public Works Department is responsible to maintain our roadways and other services. 


Many people do not think of this department as partners in Health and Safety but they play a big role.  Bi-annually they host an all town clean up for debris.  Their diligence to maintain the roadways is essential to safe vehicular travel.


Visit their site one our web page.


Animal Control Officer (ACO)


Our ACO is another very important part of the team.  The ACO is responsible to respond to calls regarding all animals within our town.  Animals can carry many diseases which effect humans.


Dog licensing, dogs under immediate control of the owner, rabies vaccinations for dogs, cats and other animals, as well as cleaning up animal waste are all important steps to keeping our town healthy.


Visit the ACO's section of our web site for more information.  The ACO is accessible and ready to respond to your call.


Orrington Conservation Commission, Orrington Recreation Commission


Both of these groups play a role in your health if you wish to participate in their programs.  Please visit their sites to see their offerings.


Our Town Citizens


Yes, each of you play a role and are vital part of our Health and Safety team.  Without your cooperation to keep your home, land and family safe, every town department's job would be much harder.


Please make a plan and excercise it at least monthly.  Are YOU prepared should an emergency strike?  Do you have enough food and water to ride out a storm, or the inability to reach a store for a few days?


If you need help in preparing a plan - do not hesitate to contact any of our team for assistance.