Emergency Preparedness

Being prepared in an emergency requires preparation and planning. 

You should consider all events as having the potential to create emergency situations for you an your family.  A winter storm, a spring rain, a wind, a drought - all these have the potential to turn into a disaster if they go beyond the "norm".

Winter stroms are notorious for starting mild and then dumping more than we planned.  The result is isolation of citizens or the loss of power.  The spring rain may cause flooding or the run off may contaminate your well.  The wind may bring a tree down through your roof or across a road.  A drought may disable your well.

Additionally, there are more common events such as a medical or fire emergency. 

Do you have a "Vial of Life" in your refrigerator?  

Do you have an evacuation plan for your home? 

Does you home have smoke detectors? 

Have you changed the batteries?

Do you have a second exit open and shoveled out in the winter?

Have you cleaned your chimney if you burn wood?

Although our departments are ready to respond to emergencies, your first line of defense is a personal and home preparedness plan.  If you have questions or need assistance, please contact one of your town safety partners.