Official Documents and Ordinances

Orrington Town Charter

          The Charter is the basic governing document of the town containing the duties and responsibilities of the Town Meeting, Board of Selectmen, Town Manager, Planning Board, School Committee other various boards and appointed officials.

Code of Ethics

          Code of Ethics as adopted by the Board of Selectmen on August 9, 2010.

Orrington Comprehensive Plan

          State law requires that each municipality have a Comprehensive Plan, built around state guidelines, and further requires that all local planning , zoning and land use ordinances be consistent with that Comprehensive Plan.
          Orrington adopted the current Comp Plan in 2000 and made minor revisions in 2003. The plan is available for review at the Town Office

Orrington Road Map

          Map Created by Cartographers Deryth Taggart, Louis Morin and Brian VanDam 2012

Sewer and Pre-Treatment Ordinance

          This ordinance governs the connection to and use of public sewer in Orrington.  All public sewer lines in Orrington flow to the City of Brewer Pollution Control Facility on Oak Street in Brewer.
          There are certain permits and fees associated with connection to and use of the sewer.  Contact the Code Enforcement Officer for detailed guidance.