Economic Development
Our Economic Development Director, Dean Bennett can be reached at econdevorrington50@gmail.com
Town Manager, Chris Backman can be reached at manager@orrington.org
Orrington's Economic Development Program is the responsibility of the Town's Elected Officials, the Selectmen, and consists of five elements:
1. Business Retention
2. Business Attraction
3. Community Preparedness For Economic Development
4. Grant Identification
5. Grant Writing
Visit our website at www.chooseorrington.com
The Selectmen are aided in this work by the various Municipal Departments and Planning Board and guided by the recommendations of the Selectmen's Economic Advisory Committee.
The Selectmen's Economic Advisory Committee is staffed by concerned residents and professionals with experience in real estate, banking and industry.
The SEAC Committee, with assistance from Harriman Associates, completed a comprehensive Strategic Economic Development Plan in 2002. With input from residents at public hearings and results of a survey, this plan identified viable strategies, an action plan and resources for implementation.
See additional information attached below.
Economic Development Grants Available For Businesses
Public Infrastructure
See below for more info