Public Library Committee
The Orrington Public Library Committee meets every third Thursday at the Orrington Public Library at 6 p.m. The Library Committee is composed of five members who are appointed by the Board of Selectmen and who serve overlapping three-year terms. The Committee is responsible for the management of the library, the selection of a librarian, and the establishing of all policies. Such policies include, but are not limited to, the selection of books and other library materials and the acceptance of memorials, gifts and grants. The Committee also supports the library’s mission to provide, free of charge, materials that support the educational, informational, and recreational needs of all of Orrington’s citizens.
Please check the Library Calendar for programs for both children and adults. These programs are organized by the Library Committee and the Friends of the Orrington Public Library. To access the Library Calendar, click on the Municipal Calendar, then select Library Calendar from the drop down at “Select Category.” The rest is simple – please plan to attend some of our events! We look forward to seeing you, and to learning from you how we might better serve you. Please follow Orrington Public Library on Facebook and Instagram for updated events.
Public Library Committee Members
Suzanne Travis
Gladys Ewing
Janice Enos
Ellen Conway
Laura George
Judy Marvin, Center Drive School Principal. Assoc. Member
Kelly Bay, Librarian, Assoc. Member