Charter Committee

Charter Committee Members
Erica Libby
Kevin Allcroft
Donna Golding
MIchael Morton 
Drew Gladu
Tom Poole 
 Doug Fogg 

The committee is reviewing, discussing, and proposing updates to the Town Charter.   
Final revised document will need to be adopted at a Town Meeting (date to be determined).
Your input is invited and welcomed.  You may attend the meetings in person or view the streamed archived meetings. 
Meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month at the Town Office starting at 6:00 PM   
The Committee is taking the summer months off. Regular meetings will resume in September 2022.
You may also provide your input to the committee by sending an email to:  CharterCommittee@Orrington.Org.  
Maine Muncipal Assocation has a great handout called "Local Government in Maine Government is People
Chapter 4 of that handout  "Forms of Local Government" can be found here