Emergency Management & Health Officer
The health and safety of those who live, work in and visit Orrington is dependent upon many people. Everyone contributes to the wellness of our community.
We hope that you enjoy this section of Orrington's website and visit it frequently.
Thank you for visiting!
Health Officer: Dean Bennett
Emergency Preparedness Director: Scott Stewart
Please click on the above link for important information. Snow may not be pushed into and left in public roadways. Public safety and services are dependent upon your help with this state law.
Who Makes Up Our Health & Safety Team?
On Monday, August 27, 2007, the Selectmen voted to adopt the National Incident Management System. This Nationally prescribed method of Incident Command shall be used at all incidents or events which may occur in our town.
Immunizations - Childhood & Adult
Please remember your first line of defense from illness is vaccines for vaccine preventable disease, followed by hand washing!
Flu Vaccine
Flu Vaccine should be obtained in the month of October or as late as January to February (especially if travel is planned). To find out more open this link.
Emergency Preparedness
Inside this section you will find hints, basic information and links to web sites so that you can better prepare for an emergency.