Code Enforcement
What is Code Enforcement?
Code enforcement is the key contact point for all land development inquiries in the Town of Orrington. The purpose of code enforcement is to coordinate growth and development in Orrington and protect the lives, safety and property of all citizens of our community through the enforcement of local, state and federal laws, regulations and ordinances. The Code Enforcement Officer is responsible for the permitting and inspection of any new structure, plumbing and septic system installation in the Town of Orrington. The Code Enforcement Officer also provides staff support to the Planning Board and the Board of Appeals.
Plumbing Permits
Maine State Plumbing Code requires an Internal Plumbing Permit for the addition or relocation of any plumbing fixture. Applications for a permit may be obtained from the Code Enforcement Officer, the Town of Orrington website, or the State of Maine website.
Inspections required:
Rough-in: when water and/or waste lines are installed.
Final: when fixtures are installed.
In addition, any new construction or replacement of any part thereof, of a septic field, requires a Subsurface Waste Water Disposal System designed by a site evaluator and permitted by the local plumbing inspector.
The State of Maine establishes the permit fees and they must be paid in advance and vary based on each individual project.
Call or email the Town Manager, Chris Backman to schedule an inspection at 207-825-3340, ext. 6 or manager@orrington.org.
Building Permits
Building permits are issued to authorize the start of a construction project if an application demonstrates that the proposal will be in compliance with the Orrington Land Use Ordinance, the Maine uniform building and energy code, as well as other applicable state and/or federal regulations. Inspections are periodically performed to ensure that work is done as approved. Additional permitted (ie: plumbing, sewer or other state permits) may be required.
What requires a building permit?
A building permit is required for any new structure, additions and most alterations to existing structures.
Most commercial uses require a conditional use permit from either the Code Enforcement Office or the Planning Board. Please do not hesitate to call and ask if your project needs a permit.
You may request a building permit application by contacting Dean Bennett at Code@Orrington.Org or by calling the town hall at (207) 825-3340 ext # 4. Dean is in the office on Mondays and Wednesdays from 7:00 - 3:00 PM.
Code Enforcement Officer: Dean Bennett
Telephone: 207-825-3745, ext. 4
Fax: 207-825-4138
E-mail: code@orrington.org